Vietnamese Beef Noodle Soup (Pho Bo) Recipe – A Complete Guide

Pho Bo, or Vietnamese Beef Noodle Soup, is a dish that has captured the hearts and palates of food lovers worldwide. This traditional Vietnamese delicacy is much more than just a meal; it’s a symphony of flavors that tells the story of Vietnam’s rich culinary history.

Pho Bo is a comforting and hearty dish, featuring a deeply aromatic broth, tender slices of beef, and soft rice noodles, topped off with fresh herbs and condiments. The dish’s origins are debated, but most agree it emerged in the early 20th century in Northern Vietnam, and has since become a staple in Vietnamese cuisine, enjoyed at any time of the day.

Whether served in a bustling street-side stall in Hanoi, a trendy restaurant in Ho Chi Minh City, or a cozy kitchen halfway across the world, Pho Bo is an embodiment of Vietnamese culture and a testament to the country’s love for fresh, flavorful food.

pho bo beef noodle soup

A brief history of Pho Bo

Pho Bo, Vietnamese Beef Noodle Soup, is a dish steeped in history and culture. Its origins trace back to the late 19th century during the peak of French colonialism in Vietnam. The French demand for beef led to its greater availability in the country, which likely influenced the creation of Pho Bo[^1^].

The dish was born in Northern Vietnam, specifically in the mid-1880s, and its creation was heavily influenced by both Chinese and French cooking. Ingredients like rice noodles and spices, essential components of Pho Bo, were imported[^2^]. Most historians agree that Pho was invented in the late 19th and early 20th Century in northern Vietnam during French colonial times[^3^].

The dish was created in Nam Dinh province, a coastal region known for its culinary richness[^4^]. The first cooks of Pho were of Chinese heritage, indicating the multicultural influences in Vietnamese cuisine[^5^].

The early version of Pho that originated in Northern Vietnam is called Phở Bac. It consists of rice noodles, a clear broth made from beef and spices, and is usually served with beef[^6^].

In conclusion, Pho Bo is a testament to Vietnam’s rich culinary history, showcasing the influence of different cultures and the evolution of the country’s food practices over time.

[^1^]: Vietnam Travel [^2^]: Pho Fever [^3^]: BBC Travel [^4^]: SB Pho [^5^]: Viet World Kitchen [^6^]: Mental Floss

What is Pho Bo?

Explanation of what Pho Bo is

Pho Bo, also known as Vietnamese Beef Noodle Soup, is a heartwarming and flavorful dish that is a cornerstone of Vietnamese cuisine. It’s a savory soup that combines rice noodles (Pho), beef (Bo), and a robustly flavored clear broth. This dish is typically served with an array of fresh herbs and condiments that allow each diner to customize their bowl to their liking.

Key ingredients in Pho Bo

The magic of Pho Bo lies in its simple yet flavorful ingredients. The key components are:

  1. Broth: This is made by simmering beef bones over several hours with spices like star anise, cinnamon, cloves, black cardamom, and coriander seeds. The result is a rich, aromatic base for the soup.
  2. Rice Noodles: Pho noodles, known as bánh phở, are flat rice noodles that are soft and slightly chewy. They form the bulk of the dish.
  3. Beef: Various cuts of beef can be used in Pho Bo. Common choices include thinly sliced rare steak (tái), flank (nạm), brisket (gầu), and tendon (gân).
  4. Garnish: Fresh herbs and vegetables like bean sprouts, lime wedges, cilantro, Thai basil, and green onions are served on the side. Diners add these to their bowl according to personal preference.
  5. Condiments: Hoisin sauce, fish sauce, and Sriracha are often served alongside, allowing each diner to adjust the flavor of their soup as desired.

Different variations of Pho Bo

While Pho Bo is the original and most popular version of Pho, there are several regional and personal variations of this dish.

  1. Phở Bắc: This is the original, Northern Vietnamese style Pho. It’s characterized by a clear, subtly spiced broth and fewer toppings.
  2. Phở Sài Gòn: Originating from Southern Vietnam, this version has a sweeter, more robustly flavored broth and is served with a wider variety of herbs and condiments.
  3. Phở Chay: This is a vegetarian or vegan version of Pho, where the beef is replaced with tofu or mushrooms and the broth is vegetable-based.

The Cultural Significance of Pho Bo

Role of Pho Bo in Vietnamese culture

Pho Bo holds a revered place in Vietnamese culture. It’s more than just a dish; it’s a symbol of Vietnamese heritage and daily life. It’s a common breakfast food, though it can be enjoyed at any time of the day.

Pho Bo is often a staple at street vendors and local eateries, making it a central part of Vietnam’s vibrant street food culture. It is also a measure of culinary skill in many households, with each family having their unique recipe passed down through generations.

How Pho Bo represents Vietnam’s history and cultural diversity

The story of Pho Bo is interwoven with the history of Vietnam itself. Its creation during the French colonial period is symbolic of the cultural exchange that occurred during this time.

The dish combines techniques and ingredients from both Vietnamese and French cuisine, reflecting the blending of cultures.

Additionally, the variations of Pho Bo, such as Phở Bắc and Phở Sài Gòn, highlight the regional diversities within Vietnam itself.

Pho Bo as a comfort food and its presence in Vietnamese celebrations and gatherings

In Vietnam, Pho Bo is seen as a comfort food. Its warm, aromatic broth and hearty ingredients make it a go-to dish for any time one needs nourishment and comfort. It’s a common choice for a light breakfast or a late-night meal.

Moreover, Pho Bo is not limited to casual dining. It is often present in celebrations and gatherings, reflecting its deep-rooted significance in Vietnamese culture. Whether it’s a family reunion, a festive occasion, or a simple get-together with friends, Pho Bo is often on the menu, serving as a reminder of shared heritage and communal bonds.

Making Pho Bo at Home

Step-by-step guide on how to make traditional Pho Bo

  1. Preparation of Ingredients: Gather 4 pounds of beef soup bones (shank and knee), 1 medium onion, unpeeled and cut in half, 5 slices of fresh ginger, 1 tablespoon of salt, and other spices like star anise, cloves, and cinnamon[^1^].
  2. Pre-boiling the Beef Bones and Meat: This is a crucial step to achieve a clear broth. The bones are boiled for about 10 minutes and then rinsed under cold water to remove any impurities.
  3. Charring the Ginger and Onions: Char the onion and ginger until they have a nice, dark color. This step enhances the flavor of these ingredients and gives the broth a unique taste.
  4. Toasting the Spices: Toasting the spices helps to release their aroma and intensify their flavors.
  5. Simmering the Broth: Add the pre-boiled bones, charred ginger and onions, toasted spices, salt, and fish sauce into a large pot. Cover with water and let it simmer. This process can take anywhere from 2.5 hours to overnight, depending on how concentrated you want your broth.
  6. Preparing the Noodles and Beef: While the broth is simmering, prepare your rice noodles according to the package instructions. At the same time, thinly slice your choice of beef.
  7. Assembling the Pho Bo: Place the prepared noodles in a bowl, lay the sliced beef on top, and pour the hot broth over. The heat from the broth will cook the beef.
  8. Serving: Serve your Pho Bo with accompaniments such as bean sprouts, lime wedges, Thai basil, cilantro, and sauces like hoisin and Sriracha.

[^1^]: All Recipes

Tips and tricks for achieving the best flavor

When making Pho Bo, there are several tips and tricks you can follow to ensure you achieve the best flavor:

  1. Quality of Ingredients: Use high-quality, fresh ingredients. This includes fresh herbs and spices for the broth and fresh, thinly sliced beef.
  2. Char the Onions and Ginger: Charring these ingredients before adding them to the broth will bring out a smoky flavor that adds depth to your soup.
  3. Pre-boil the Bones: Pre-boiling and rinsing the bones helps to remove impurities and results in a clearer broth.
  4. Slow Simmer: Allow the broth to simmer at a low temperature for several hours. This slow cooking process will extract maximum flavor from the bones and spices.
  5. Use the Right Noodles: Make sure to use flat rice noodles specifically made for Pho (bánh phở), as they have the right texture and won’t fall apart in the broth.
  6. Serve Immediately: Pho is best enjoyed hot, right after it’s cooked. This ensures that the noodles don’t get too soft and the flavors are at their peak.
  7. Personalize Your Bowl: One of the joys of eating Pho is adding your own garnishes. Provide plenty of fresh herbs, bean sprouts, lime wedges, and chili sauces on the side so everyone can customize their bowl to their liking.

Possible ingredient substitutions or additions

If you’re unable to find traditional ingredients for Pho Bo or you’d like to add a twist to your dish, there are several substitutions and additions you can consider:


  1. Beef Bones: If you can’t find beef bones, you can use chicken bones or a combination of both. Keep in mind that this will change the flavor profile.
  2. Fish Sauce: Soy sauce or Worcestershire sauce can be used if fish sauce is unavailable. However, these substitutes may alter the taste slightly.
  3. Star Anise: If you don’t have star anise, you can use a blend of fennel seeds and cloves.
  4. Rice Noodles: If you can’t find rice noodles, you can use other thin noodles such as udon or soba, but the texture and taste will be different.


  1. Protein: Besides beef, you can add other proteins like chicken, shrimp, or tofu.
  2. Vegetables: You can add veggies like bok choy, mushrooms, or snow peas for extra nutrition and texture.
  3. Spices: Additional spices like coriander seeds or cardamom can be added to the broth for more complexity.
  4. Condiments: Add condiments like hoisin sauce, Sriracha, or chili oil for extra heat and flavor.

Enjoying Pho Bo

Traditional ways to serve and eat Pho Bo

Pho Bo is traditionally served in a large bowl with the broth, noodles, and beef already assembled. Alongside the bowl, you’ll receive a plate of additional garnishes, which typically include fresh bean sprouts, lime wedges, Thai basil, cilantro, and chili slices.

To eat Pho Bo, start by tasting the broth with your spoon. Then, add the herbs, sprouts, and squeeze of lime to your liking. The heat from the soup will wilt the herbs and sprouts, releasing their flavors into the broth. Using chopsticks and a soup spoon, alternate between eating the noodles and sipping the broth.

Pairings – what drinks and side dishes go well with Pho Bo

When it comes to drinks, iced coffee (ca phe sua da), iced tea, or traditional Vietnamese drinks like salty lemonade (chanh muoi) or plum soda (soda xi muoi) are popular choices. As for side dishes, spring rolls (goi cuon) or Vietnamese crepes (banh xeo) often accompany Pho Bo.

How to customize your Pho Bo bowl

Customizing your Pho Bo bowl is all about balancing the flavors to your liking. You can add hoisin sauce for sweetness, fish sauce for saltiness, or Sriracha for heat. If you prefer more texture, add extra bean sprouts or try adding other vegetables like bok choy or mushrooms. For more protein, consider adding tofu or shrimp. Remember, the beauty of Pho is in its versatility, so don’t be afraid to experiment!

Related: Chicken Pho Recipe: Authentic Vietnamese Chicken Noodle Soup (Pho Ga)

Pho Bo Around the World

Adaptations of Pho Bo in different countries

Pho Bo has been adapted in various ways as it has spread around the globe. In France, many believe Pho was adapted from the French one pot beef and vegetable stew “pot-au-feu”, which shares a phonetic similarity to “phở”.

When Vietnamese immigrants arrived in the United States, they brought their culinary traditions with them, including Pho Bo. Over time, variations have been made to cater to local tastes, such as the addition of non-traditional ingredients like broccoli, carrots, and even quail eggs.

In Vietnam itself, there are regional adaptations. For example, Southern-style Pho often contains a richer and sweeter flavor compared to its Northern counterpart.

Influence of Pho Bo in the global culinary scene

Pho Bo has become a significant influencer in the global culinary scene. It’s considered a uniquely Vietnamese dish that has gained popularity worldwide. The dish’s simplicity, aromatic flavors, and comforting warmth have made it a beloved food globally.

Where to find the best Pho Bo outside of Vietnam

Finding the best Pho Bo outside of Vietnam can be subjective, as preferences can vary. However, cities with significant Vietnamese populations often have excellent Pho offerings. This includes places like San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Houston in the United States, or Paris in France, where Vietnamese cuisine has a strong presence due to historical connections.

Remember, the best Pho is often a matter of personal preference, so what one person loves, another might not. The key is to explore and try different bowls to discover your perfect Pho.


Pho Bo is more than just a bowl of soup; it’s a culinary embodiment of Vietnamese culture and history. Its rich, aromatic broth, tender slices of beef, and silky rice noodles create a harmony of flavors that’s both comforting and invigorating.

As we’ve seen, its popularity has spread globally, with adaptations reflecting the tastes and ingredients of different regions. But whether you’re savoring it in a street-side stall in Vietnam or a trendy restaurant in San Francisco, the heart of Pho Bo remains the same – a delicious, nourishing meal that warms the soul.

If you haven’t yet experienced the magic of Pho Bo, I encourage you to dive into this culinary adventure. Whether you decide to make it at home, experimenting with ingredients and flavors until you find your perfect bowl, or seek it out at a local restaurant, there’s a world of taste waiting for you in every spoonful. Remember, part of the joy of Pho Bo is in its adaptability, so don’t be afraid to try different variations and make it your own. Happy slurping!


What cut of beef is typically used in Pho Bo?

Traditionally, Pho Bo uses thin slices of raw beef, often sirloin or brisket, that cook in the hot broth. However, you can also use cooked beef cuts like oxtail or short ribs

How long should I simmer the beef bones for Pho Bo?

The beef bones should be simmered for at least 3-4 hours to extract maximum flavor. Some recipes recommend simmering for up to 6 hours or more

Can I make Pho Bo with chicken instead of beef?

Yes, you can substitute chicken for beef to make Pho Ga, a chicken version of this soup. The process is similar, but the chicken doesn’t need to simmer as long as the beef bones

What are the typical garnishes for Pho Bo?

Traditional garnishes for Pho Bo include fresh herbs such as Thai basil, mint, and cilantro, as well as bean sprouts, lime wedges, and chili slices

Can I make a vegetarian version of Pho Bo?

Yes, you can make a vegetarian version by using vegetable stock and replacing the beef with tofu or a variety of mushrooms

Can I make Pho Bo in advance?

Yes, you can make the broth in advance and store it in the fridge for up to a week, or freeze it for longer storage. When ready to serve, just reheat the broth, prepare the noodles and toppings, and assemble the soup

Yield: 8

Vietnamese Beef Noodle Soup (Pho Bo) Recipe

Vietnamese Beef Noodle Soup (Pho Bo) Recipe

Vietnamese Beef Noodle Soup, also known as Pho Bo, is a flavorful and aromatic dish that originates from Vietnam. It's a comforting, hearty soup made with beef bones, spices, fresh herbs, and rice noodles.

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 3 hours
Total Time 3 hours 15 minutes


  • 2 lbs fresh rice noodles
  • 1 white/yellow onion, thinly sliced
  • 5-6 pounds beef soup bones (marrow and knuckle bones are preferred)
  • 4-inch piece of fresh ginger
  • 3 whole star anise
  • 1 2-inch cinnamon stick
  • 1 teaspoon coriander seeds
  • 1 tablespoon fish sauce
  • Rock sugar to taste
  • Small bunch of cilantro, roughly chopped
  • 5 green onions or scallions, chopped
  • Thinly sliced beef (to be cooked in the broth)
  • Fresh herbs for garnish (like Thai basil, mint, and cilantro)
  • Lime wedges, bean sprouts, and chili slices for serving


  1. Char the onion and ginger until they develop a nice, dark color.
  1. In a large pot, add the charred onion and ginger, beef bones, star anise, cinnamon stick, and coriander seeds. Fill with water and bring to a boil.
  2. Reduce the heat and let it simmer for several hours. Skim off any impurities that float to the surface.
  3. After simmering, strain the broth and return it to the pot. Add the fish sauce and rock sugar, adjusting to your taste.
  4. Cook the rice noodles as per packet instructions.
  5. To serve, place a handful of noodles in a bowl, add slices of raw beef (the heat of the soup will cook it), and pour the hot broth over the top.
  6. Garnish with cilantro, green onions, and any other herbs you like. Serve with lime wedges, bean sprouts, and chili slices on the side.

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